the art of fame
the art of fame: Fame is defined as: "celebrity, renown," from Old French fame "fame, reputation, rumor" (12c.), from Latin fama "talk, report; public opinion; good reputation," but also "ill-fame, scandal, reproach."
Anyone can crumble under the pressure of paparazzi, adoring crowds and endless interest in your every move. It requires an understanding of your own nature on a deeper level to come to terms with it and to bring oneself under control in relation to it. You can master fame or fame will become your master.
Since fame affects every part of your life, learning to handle it means getting the major parts of your life to where you want them to be.
"The Art of Fame" is a tailor-made, customized-just-for-you program to address you. You will become conscious of and skilled at how you handle yourself - in relation to yourself, in relation to others and to the world.
Peak Performance Mentoring is for people who strive for excellence and continuous innovation and improvement.
MISSION: My mission is to empower already powerful artists to new heights of stability and creativity.
PURPOSE: My purpose is to heal our world and make a culture we can be proud of. To create a culture where we break through all limitations in the exploration of the potential of aesthetic experience.
karen merritt randall
Creative Performance, Ph.D.
I was awarded an honorary Ph.D. by a client of mine who is a musician and who holds a Ph.D. in mathematics. I proudly wear his designation. I've had some clients for nearly 20 years because continuous improvement and growth is something my clients are dedicated to. There is much to explore in this new field of aesthetic potential.
It has been an amazing journey to travel with these extraordinary beings. I feel so blessed and honored to be able to play such an important role in their lives.

Harvard University
UCLA School of Architecture and Urban Design
Otis Parsons College of Art and Design
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA)
Advanced research for 20 years in the fields of aesthetics, creativity, the mind and spirit.
Research for 30 years in the fields of music, acting, performance, aesthetic possibility and impact.
Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, BA
California Institute of Technology, Astrophysics
Monterey Institute of International Studies, Japanese
University of California at San Diego, BS, Biochemistry
Universite Paul Valery, Montpellier, France, French Lit