Karen Merritt Randall is a Peak-Performance Mentor - "I mentor high performance individuals who demand improvement."
Over the course of 20 years of working with celebrities, KMR developed "The Art of Fame" from research into creativity, aesthetic impact and the spirit to help high profile artists navigate the sometimes crushing pressures of fame - helping them to achieve stability.
The stress of fame should be expected.
There is nothing like the extreme highs that come from being widely known, adored and acknowledged. And there are pleasures and splendor derived from the financial rewards of fame. But, there is also the darker side of fame that includes self-consciousness, anxiety, depression, anger, dissatisfaction, pain, weariness and emptiness that can result from being constantly watched by millions. Fame can take its toll on individuals and groups. It can negatively impact integrity, responsibility, teamwork, inspiration and creativity, and organizational effectiveness.

“I help artists and groups keep their inspiration bright because sustaining their creativity can make or break their future. There are elements in the entertainment industry and in life that destroy positive creativity. Being unaware of these situations and not knowing how to accurately identify and handle them is dangerous. When artists get really big, become famous and become "a money making machine," their positive creative spirit can be vulnerable and at risk. If not handled properly, the positivity of the creative spirit tends to be dampened out. In some cases, it morphs to become covertly or openly destructive - we’ve seen this over and over again in the 20th and 21st centuries."
“Because of the pressures of keeping artistic technical performance high and constantly improving to meet expectations, an experienced mentor can be invaluable on a personal and professional level to keep artistic vitality strong. I love seeing an artist become a more powerful performer while living a truly happy life. These two things actually go together.
“My specialty is working with groups. I help individual group members stabilize their individuality. Remaining stable as individuals while contributing as team members creates a true group with real power. Then there is the matter of a persona projected to audiences and how to keep that projection real and evolving without having to bring that projected image into their private lives. There is much more to it, but this gives you a basic idea”

When it appears you have it all, you’re at the top and everything is going incredibly well, but you know inside yourself there has to be something more, mentoring with Karen Merritt Randall is exactly what you need.

I've worked with famous people throughout my career either as a creative director or peak performance mentor. I originally wanted to get to the very top in order to find answers. I thought I would learn "the answers" to life's riddles. I learned that some people had a fairly good handle on managing certain things, but they still had areas in life they really needed some help with.
It soon became my basic purpose to help artists find their way.
Over the years, I have personally helped hundreds of artists.
We keep everything confidential in order to be free to discover both strengths and weaknesses. Then we strengthen what's working and eliminate or lessen the weaknesses. Being stably successful over a long period of time depends on this.
I look forward to helping you and your team!

I'm always happy to help if I can. Book a time to speak on the phone, email me, or just spontaneously give me a call and I'll pick up if I can.